vol. 1 物質・材料(2004~2008)
著者: 秋村 友香, 伊藤 信, 宇佐見 護, 宇田 毅, 苑 暁迎, 小笠原 章, 小林 将人, 近藤 紗登美, 佐藤 昌宏, 佐藤 幸男, 西村 民男
- Eiichi Okuno , Toshio Sakakibara, Shoichi Onda, Makoto Itoh, and Tsuyoshi Uda, "First Principles Theoretical Study of 4H-SiC/SiO2 Interfacial Electronic States on (0001), (000_1), and (11_20)", Applied Physics Express 1, 2008, pp. 061401_1-3
- 河野 裕彦, 中井 克典, 佐藤 幸男, "強レーザー場中の超高速分子ダイナミクスの理論", レーザー学会誌 レーザー研究, Vol.35, Number 11, November 2007, pp. 691-696
- Makoto Itoh and Takahisa Ohno, "Probing the submonolayer morphology change in epitaxial growth: A simulation study", APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 90, 2007, 073111_1-3
- Hirohiko Kono, Yukio Sato, Manabu Kanno, Katsunori Nakai, and Tsuyoshi Kato, "Theoretical Investigations of the Electronic and Nuclear Dynamics of Molecules in Intense Laser Fields: Quantum Mechanical Wave Packet Approaches", The Chemical Society of Japan Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. Vol. 79, No. 2, 2006, pp. 196-227
- Yuka Akimura, Toshiki Maruyama, Naotaka Yoshinaga and Satoshi Chiba, "Properties of Hadron and Quark Matter Studied with Molecular Dynamics", HEAVY ION PHYSICS Acta Phys. Hung. A 27/2-3, 2006, 355-358, DOI: 10.1556/APH.27.2006.2-3.39
- Satomi Kondo, Kenro Hashimoto, Hiroto Tachikawa, "Na(H2O) dynamics following electron detachment from Na-(H2O) anion", Chem. Phys. Lett. 431, 2006, 45-50
- M. Kobayasi, T. Nakatsukasa, M. Matsuo, and K. Matsuyanagi, "Collective path connecting the oblate and prolate local minima in proton-rich N = Z nuclei around 68Se", EPJ A direct electronic only, Eur. Phys. J. A 25, s01, 2005, 547-548
- Y. Akimura, T. Maruyama, N. Yoshinaga, and S. Chiba, "Molecular dynamics simulation for the baryon-quark phase transition at finite baryon density", THE EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A Eur. Phys. J. A 25, 2005, 405-411, DOI 10.1140/epja/i2005-10143-x
- Yuka Akimura, Toshiki Maruyama, Naotaka Yoshinaga and Satoshi Chiba, "Stability and structure of quark matter in a molecular dynamics framework", NUCLEAR PHISICS A, Nuclear Physics A 749, 2005, 329c-332c
- Akiyoshi Sabu, Satomi Kondo, Ryu Saito, Yasuko Kasai, Kenro Hashimoto, "Theoretical Study of O2-H2O: Potential Energy Surface, Molecular Vibrations, and Equilibrium Constant at Atmospheric Temperatures", J. Phys. Chem. A 109, 2005, 1836-1842
- Masahiro Sato, Susumu Okazaki, "Mixed quantum-classical molecular dynamics study of vibrational relaxation of CN- ion in water: an analysis of coupling as a function of time", Journal of Molecular Liquids 119, 2005, pp. 15-22
- T. Nishimura and F.A. Gianturco, "The dominant "heating" mode: bending excitation of water molecules by low-energy positron impact", Eur. Phys. J. D. 33, 2005, pp. 221-228
- Mamoru Usami, Masatsugu Yamashita, Kazushiro Fukushima, Chiko Otani and Kodo Kawase, "Terahertz wideband spectroscopic imaging based on two-dimensioanl electro-optic sampling technique", APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 86, 2005, 141109_1-3
- 宇田 毅, 北尾 修, "第一原理バンド理論によるチタニアの電子状態(Electronic Structure of Titanium Oxide by the First Principle Band Theory)", ファインケミカル, 2005年2月号, Vol. 34 No. 2, pp. 26-37
- Yoshiteru Takagi, Tsuyoshi Uda, Takahisa Ohno, "A theoretical study for mechanical contact between carbon nanotubes", THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 122, 2005, 124709_1-6
- Masato Kobayashi, Takashi Nakatsukasa, Masayuki Matsuo and Kenichi Matsuyanagi, "Collective Paths Connecting the Oblate and Prolate Shapes in 68Se and 72Kr Suggested by the Adiabatic Self-Consistent Collective Coordinate Method", Progress of Theoretical Physics, Vol. 113, No. 1, January 2005, pp. 129-152
- M. Kobayasi, T. Nakatsukasa, M. Matsuo, and K. Matsuyanagi, "Collective path connecting the oblate and prolate local minima in proton-rich N = Z nuclei around 68Se", Eur. Phys. J. A direct, 2005
- Akira Ogasahara and Koichi Kusakabe, "Static and dynamic transport properties of a Kondo lattice model", JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 97, 2005, 10A713_1-3
- Makoto Itoh and Takahisa Ohno, "Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations of GaAs(001) homoepitaxy and their implications on experimental physics", Recent Research Developments in Physics Vol.5, 2004 Part II, pp.607-649
- Akiyoshi Sabu, Satomi Kondo, Nobuaki Miura, Kenro Hashimoto, "Potential energy surface and intermolecular vibrations of O2-H2O", Chem. Phys. Lett. 391, 2004, 101-105
- Xiaoying Yuan and Kunio Takahashi, "Development of Modified Embedded Atom Method For Alkali Metals", Materials Science Forum Vols. 449-452, 2004, pp. 69-72
vol. 2 物質・材料(2003~2004)
著者: 宇佐見 護, 苑 暁迎, 小笠原 章, 小川 哲司, 小池 聡, 甲賀淳一朗, 小林 将人, 佐藤 昌宏, 佐藤 幸男, 西村 民男
- Hirohiko Kono, Yukio Sato, Nobuyuki Tanaka, Tsuyoshi Kato, Katsunori Nakai, Shiro Koseki, Yuichi Fujimura, "Quantum mechanical study of electronic and nuclear dynamics of molecules in intense laser fields", Chemical Physics 304, 2004, pp. 203-226
- Masahiro Sato, Susumu Okazaki, "Vibrational Relaxation Time of CN- Ion in Water Studied by Mixed Quantum-classical Molecular Dynamics: Comparison with Fermi's Golden Rule and Influence Functional Theory", Molecular Simulation, Vol.30 (13-15), 15 November-30 December 2004, pp. 835-839
- Shin-Ichi Ikeda, Naoki Shirakawa, Takashi Yanagisawa, Yoshiyuki Yoshida, Shigeru Koikegami, Soh Koike, Masashi Kosaka and Yoshiya Uwatoko, "Uniaxial-Pressure Induced Ferromagnetism of Enhanced Paramagnetic Sr3Ru2O7", Journal of the Physical Society of Japan Vol. 73, No. 5, May, 2004, pp. 1322-1325
- Tamio Nishimura and Franco A Gianturco, "The scattering of positrons from CF4 molecules at ultralow energies", J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 37, 2004, pp. 215-223
- T. Nishimura and F.A. Gianturco, "Vibrational excitation of water by low-energy electron scattering: Calculations and experiments", Europhys. Lett., 65 (2), 2004, pp. 179-185
- Tamio Nishimura, Franco A. Gianturco, "Computing vibrational effects in low-energy positron scattering from polyatomic molecules: the H2O and C2H2 stretching modes", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 221, 2004, pp. 24-29
- T. Nishimura, F. A. Gianturco, "Low-energy positron scattering: Modelling the formation of bound [M-e+] states in deformed polyatomic molecules", Europhysics Letters 68 (3), 2004, pp. 377-383
- Junichiro Koga, Kengo Nishio, Toshio Yamaguchi and Fumiko Yonezawa, "Order N Non-Orthogonal Tight-Binding Molecular Dynamics and its Application to the Study of Glass Transition in Germanium", Journal of the Physical Society of Japan Vol. 73, No. 1, January, 2004, pp. 136-144
- Junichiro Koga, Kengo Nishio, Toshio Yamaguchi and Fumiko Yonezawa, "Tight-Binding Molecular Dynamics Study on the Structural Change of Amorphous Germanium with the Increase of Density", Journal of the Physical Society of Japan Vol. 73, No. 2, February, 2004, pp. 388-396
- Masato Kobayasi, Takashi Nakatsukasa, Masayuki Matsuo and Kenichi Matsuyanagi, "Collective Path Connecting the Oblate and Prolate Local Minima in 68Se", Prog. Theor. Phys. Vol. 112, No. 2, August 2004, Letters, pp. 363-368
- Akira Ogasahara and Koichi Kusakabe, "Anomalous Magnetoresistance in a Spin-Fermion Model with Quantum Fluctuation", Journal of the Physical Society of Japan Vol. 73, No. 6, June, 2004, pp. 1426-1429
- Akira Ogasahara and Koichi Kusakabe, "Numerical study of the electrical conductivity of a low-dimensional Kondo Lattice model", J. Phys. Condens. Matter 16, 2004, S5777-S5781
- Soh Koike, Takashi Yanagisawa, Kunihiko Yamaji, "Variational Monte Carlo study of the superconducting condensation energy on the dependence of εp-εd in the two-dimensional d-p model", Physica C 388-389, 2003, pp. 65-67
- K. Yamaji, S. Koike, M. Miyazaki, T. Yanagisawa, "Parameter-dependences of superconducting condensation energy of 2D Hubbard model", Physica C 392-396, 2003, pp. 229-233
- Takashi Yanagisawa, Mitake Miyazaki, Shigeru Koikegami, Soh Koike and Kunihiko Yamaji, "Lattice distortions, incommensurability, and stripes in the electronic model for high-Tc cuprates", PHYSICAL REVIEW B67, 2003, 132408_1-4
- Xiaoying Yuan, Kunio Takahashi, Yifang Ouyang and Tadao Onzawa, "Development of a modified embedded atom method for bcc transition metals", J. Phys. : Condens. Matter 15, 2003, pp. 8917-8926
- Xiaoying Yuan, Kunio Takahashi, Yingchen Yin and Tadao Onzawa, "Development of Modified embedded atom method for a bcc metal: lithium", Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng. 11, 2003, pp. 447-456
- Yasunori Yoshioka, Mamoru Usami, Masayuki Watanabe Kizashi Yamaguchi, "Thermal reactions of 3-Furyl Fulgide and 3-Thienyl Fulgide. Ab initio molecular orbital and CASSCF studies", Journal of Molecular Structure (Theochem) 623, 2003, pp. 167-178
- M. Usami, R. Fukasawa, M. Tani, M. Watanabe and K. Sakai, "Calibration free terahertz imaging based on 2D electro-optic sampling technique", ELECTRONICS LETTERS 27th November 2003 Vol. 39, No. 24
- Fumiko Yonezawa, Kengo Nishio, Junichiro Koga, Toshio Yamaguchi, "Theoretical study of electronic states and visible photoluminescence from silicon nanostructures", Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 559, 2003, pp. 13-18
- Kengo Nishio, Junichiro Koga, Toshio Yamaguchi, Fumiko Yonezawa, "Theoretical study of light-emission properties of amorphous silicon quantum dots", PHYSICAL REVIEW B 67, 2003, 195304_1-5
- Osamu Kitao and Tetsuji Ogawa, "I: METHODOLOGY Consistent charge equilibration (CQEq)", Molecular Physics, 2003, Vol. 101, Nos. 1-2, 3-17
- Masato Kobayasi, Takashi Nakatsukasa, Masayuki Matsuo and Kenichi Matsuyanagi, "Application of the Adiabatic Self-Consistent Collective Coordinate Method to a Solvable Model of Prolate-Oblate Shape Coexistence", Progress of Theoretical Physics, Vol. 110, No. 1, July 2003, pp. 65-91
- Seiji Miyashita and Akira Ogasahara, "Effects of Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya Interaction on ESR Shastry-Sutherland Model", Journal of the Physical Society of Japan Vol. 72, No. 9, September, 2003, pp. 2350-2356
vol. 3 物質・材料(2002~2003)
著者: 宇佐見 護, 小笠原 章, 小川 哲司, 小池 聡, 甲賀淳一朗, 佐藤 幸男, 西村 民男
- Yukio Sato, Hirohiko Kono, Shiro Koseki, and Yuichi Fujimura, "Description of Molecular Dynamics in Intense Laser Fields by the Time-Dependent Adiabatic State Approach: Application to Simultaneous Two-Bond Dissociation of CO2 and Its Control", J. AM. CHEM. SOC. 2003, 125, pp. 8019-8031
- H. Kono, Y. Sato, Y. Fujimura, and I. Kawata, "Identification of the Doorway States to Ionization of Molecules in Intense Laser Fields", Laser Physics, Vol. 13, No. 6, 2003, pp. 1-6
- F.A. Gianturco, T. L. Gibson, P. Nichols, R. R. Lucchese, T. Nishimura, "Modeling dynamical correlation forces in low-energy positron scattering from polyatomic gases: a comparison for CH4", Radiation Physics and Chemistry 68, 2003, pp. 673-680
- Tamio Nishimura, Franco A. Gianturco, "Virtual-State Formation in Positron Scattering from Vibrating Molecules:A Gateway to Annihilation Enhancement", PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS VOLUME 90, NUMBER 18, 2003, 183201_1-4
- Takashi Yanagisawa, Soh Koike, Mitake Miyazaki, Kunihiko Yamaji, "Stripes and superconductivity in high-Tc superconductors", Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 63, 2002, pp. 1379-1383
- Takashi Yanagisawa, Soh Koike, Mitake Miyazaki and Kunihiko Yamaji, "Stripe formation in high-Tc superconductors", INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS PUBLISHING J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 14, 2002. pp. 21-31
- Takashi Yanagisawa, Soh Koike, Mitake Miyazaki, Shigeru Koikegami, Kunihiko Yamaji, "Stripes in the three-band Hubbard model of high-Tc cuprates", Physica C 378-381, 2002, pp. 292-297
- Takashi Yanagisawa, Shigeru Koikegami, Soh Koike, Mitake Miyazaki, and Kunihiko Yamaji, "Correlated electrons and high temperature superconductivity", Recent Res. Devel. Physics, 3, 2002, pp. 521-564
- T. Nishimura and F. A. Gianturco, "Threshold efficiency of vibrational excitation of methane by electron / positron impact: A comparison", Europhysics Letters 59 (5), 2002, pp. 674-680
- Tamio Nishimura, Franco A. Gianturco, "Positron-impact vibrational excitation of CH4: Comparing calculations with experiments for the symmetric and antisymmetric stretching modes", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 192, 2002, pp. 17-25
- M. Usami, T. Iwamoto, R. Fukasawa, M. Tani, M. Watanabe and K. Sakai, "Development of a THz spectroscopic imaging system", Phys. Med. Biol. 47, 2002, pp. 3749-3753
- Junichiro Koga, Hisashi Okumura, Kengo Nishio, Toshio Yamaguchi, Fumiko Yonezawa, "Simulational study of liquid germanium under pressure", Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 312-314, 2002, pp. 95-98
- Kengo Nishio, Junichiro Koga, Toshio Yamaguchi, Fumiko Yonezawa, "Light emission properties of amorphous silicon quantum dots", Jounal of Non-Crystalline Solids 312-314, 2002, pp. 323-326
- Junichiro Koga, Kengo Nishio, Fumiko Yonezawa, Toshio Yamaguchi, "Theoretical study on the relation between structural and optical properties in Si nanostructures", Physica E 15, 2002, pp. 182-191
- Junichiro Koga, Hisashi Okumura and Kengo Nishio, Toshio Yamaguchi, Fumiko Yonezawa, "Simulational analysis of the local structure in liquid germanium under pressure", PHYSICAL REVIEW B 66, 2002, 064211_1-10
- F. Yonezawa, J. Koga, K. Nishio and T. Yamaguchi, "Theoretical study on light emission properties of silicon nanostructures", Transworld Research Network, Recent Res. Devel. Physics, 3, 2002, pp. 237-256
- 小川 哲司, 石川 善洋, 北尾 修, 田中 成典, 温慶 茹, 大友 順一郎, 高橋 宏, 荒川 裕則, "色素増感型太陽電池における電子移動反応 第2報 QEq-CS理論によるIPCE傾向の推算", Journal of Computer Aided Chemistry, Vol. 3, 2002, pp. 15-36
- Akira Ogasahara, Seiji Miyashita, "Direct Numerical Analysis of ESR Line Shape in Low Dimensional Spin Systems", Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., Vol. 376, 2002, pp. 321-326
- Akira Ogasahara and Seiji Miyashita, "Frequency Dependence of Electron Spin Resonance", Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement No. 145, 2002, pp. 286-289
- Hitoshi Ohta, Keizo Kirita, Takashi Kunimoto, Susumu Okubo, Yuko Hosokoshi, Keiichi Katoh, Katsuya Inoue, Akira Ogasahara and Seiji Miyashita, "Low Dimensionality Observed by ESR Measurements in S = 1 Spin Ladder Substance BIP-TENO (3,3',5,5'-tetrakis(N-tert-butylaminoxyl)biphenyl)", Journal of the Physical Society of Japan Vol. 71, No. 11, November, 2002, pp. 2640-2643
vol. 4 物質・材料(1999~2002)
著者: 伊藤 信, 宇佐見 護, 小笠原 章, 小川 哲司, 小池 聡, 甲賀 淳一朗, 谷森 奏一郎, 西村 民男
- Tamio Nishimura and Franco A Gianturco, "Vibrational excitations of CH4 by electron impact: a close-coupling treatment", J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 35, 2002, pp. 2873-2887
- Tamio Nishimura and Franco A. Gianturco, "Vibrational excitation of methane by positron impact: Computed quantum dynamics and sensitivity tests", Physical Review A, Volume 65, 2002, 062703_1-11
- Souichirou Tanimori and Shuji Shimamura, "Mechanical Properties of Gold Nanocontacts Studied by Monte Carlo Simulation", Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Vol. 71, No. 3, March, 2002, pp. 797-801
- Makoto Itoh and Takahisa Ohno, "Atomic-scale Monte Carlo study of step-flow growth modes on GaAs(001)--(2×4)-", PHYSICAL REVIEW B, VOLUME 63, 2001 The American Physical Society, pp. 125301_1-11
- Makoto Itoh, "Kinetic Monte Carlo study of step asymmetry and stable step orientations on GaAs(001-)", PHYSICAL REVIEW B, VOLUME 64, 2001 The American Physical Society, pp. 045301_1-6
- Makoto Itoh, Takahisa Ohno, "Atomic-scale Monte Carlo study of GaAs(001)--(2×4)- growth on vicinal surfaces", ELSEVIER Surface Science 493, 2001, 430-437
- Takashi Yanagisawa, Soh Koike and Kunihiko Yamaji, "Ground state of the three-band Hubbard model", PHYSICAL REVIEW B, VOLUME 64, 2001, 184509_1-9
- K. Yamaji, T. Yanagisawa, S. koike, "Superconducting and SDW condensation energies in the 2D Hubbard model and the meaning to the stripe phase", Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 62, 2001, pp. 237-241
- P. Y. Han, M. Tani, M. Usami, and S. Kono, R. Kersting, and X.-C. Zhang, "A direct comparison between terahertz time-domain spectroscopy and far-infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy", JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS VOLUME 89, NUMBER 4, 15 FEBRUARY 2001, pp. 2357-2359
- Junichiro Koga, Kengo Nishio, Hiroaki Ohtani, Fumiko Yonezawa, Toshio Yamaguchi, "Structural relaxation and its effects on photoluminescence properties in Si quantum wires", Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 293-295, 2001, pp. 630-634
- Kengo Nishio, Junichiro Koga, Hiroaki Ohtani, Toshio Yamaguchi, Fumiko Yonezawa, "Positional dependence of optical absorption in silicon nanostructure", Jounal of Non-Crystalline Solids 293-295, 2001, pp. 705-708
- Junichiro Koga, Kengo Nishio, Toshio Yamaguchi, Fumiko Yonezawa, "Tight-Binding Electronic State Calculations of Silicon Nanostructures with Local Disorders: Origin of the 'F' Band Luminescence From Porous Silicon", Journal of the Physical Society of Japan Vol. 70, No. 8, August, 2001, pp. 2478-2484
- Junichiro Koga, Kengo Nishio, Toshio Yamaguchi, Fumiko Yonezawa, "The Effects of the Point-Group Symmetry in Silicon Nanostructures on Radiative Recombination Time", Journal of the Physical Society of Japan Vol. 70, No. 10, October, 2001, pp. 3143-3148
- Makoto Itoh and Takahisa Ohno, "Relevance of surface reconstruction to specular RHEED intensity on GaAs(001-)", PHYSICAL REVIEW B VOLUME 62, NUMBER 11, 15 SEPTEMBER 2000-I, The American Physical Society, pp. 7219-7228
- Makoto Itoh and Takahisa Ohno, "Absence of a step-edge barrier on a polar semiconductor surface with reconstruction", PHYSICAL REVIEW B 15 JULY 2000-I, The American Physical Society, pp. 1889-1896
- K. Yamaji, T. Yanagisawa, S. Koike, "Bulk limit of superconducting condensation energy in 2D Hubbard model", Physica B 284&288, 2000, pp. 415-416
- Soh Koike, Kunihiko Yamaji, Takashi Yanagisawa, "Numerical study of superconductivity in the two-chain Hubbard model", Physica B 284-288, 2000, pp. 417-418
- Takashi Yanagisawa, Soh Koike, Kunihiko Yamaji, "Phase diagram of the Cu-O model in the oxide superconductors: Variational Monte Carlo study", Physica B 284-288, 2000, pp. 467-468
- Soh Koike, Takashi Yanagisawa and Kunihiko Yamaji, "Variational Monte Carlo study of the ground state of the two-dimensional d-p model", Physica C 341-348, 2000, pp. 251-252
- Soh Koike, Kunihiko Yamaji and Takashi Yanagisawa, "Superconducting Condensation Energy of the Two-Chain Hubbard Model in the Bulk Limit", Journal of the Physical Society of Japan Vol. 69, No. 7, July, 2000, pp. 2199-2208
- Takashi Yanagisawa, Soh Koike, Kunihiko Yamaji, "SDW and d-wave states in the CuO2 model by variational Monte Carlo simulations", Physica B 281&282, 2000, pp. 933-934
- Mamoru Usami and Sei-ichiro Suga, "Dynamical Structure Factors of the S=1/2 Bond-Alternating Spin Chain with a Next-Nearest-Neighbor Interaction in Magnetic Fields", Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Vol. 69, No. 10, October, 2000, pp. 3419-3424
- Junichiro Koga, Kengo Nishio, Hiroaki Ohtani, Toshio Yamaguchi and Fumiko Yonezawa, "Electronic Properties of Low-Dimensional Si Nanostructures. I. Local Electronic Probabilities", Journal of the Physical Society of Japan Vol. 69, No. 7, July, 2000, pp. 2188-2191
- 北尾 修, 小川 哲司, 青木 孝造, 荒川 裕則, "色素増感型太陽電池における電子移動反応", Journal of Computer Aided Chemistry, Vol. 1, 2000, pp. 63-67
- Akira Ogasahara and Seiji Miyashita, "ESR of Antiferromagnetic Cluster", Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Vol. 69, No. 12, December, 2000, pp. 4043-4048
- Soh Koike, Kunihiko Yamaji and Takashi Yanagisawa, "Effect of the Medium-Range Transfer Energies to the Superconductivity in the Two-Chain Hubbard Model", Journal of the Physical Society of Japan Vol. 68, No. 5, May, 1999, pp. 1657-1663
- Takashi Yanagisawa, Soh Koike and Kunihiko Yamaji, "d-Wave State with Multiplicative Correlation Factors for the Hubbard Model", Journal of the Physical Society of Japan Vol. 68, No. 11, November, 1999, pp. 3608-3614
- Tamio Nishimura and Isao Shimamura, "Elastic scattering of positrons from Ne, Ar, CH4, and SiH4", Riken Review No.25, November, 1999, pp. 12-13
- S. Hasegawa, A. Fujiwara, H. Yano, T. Nisimura, S. Sasaki, H. Ohashi, T. Iwai, K. Kobayashi, and H. Shibata, "DESIGN OF ELECTROSTATIC ACCELERATORS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF MICROPARTICLE DETECTORS IN JAPAN", Adv. Space Res. Vol.23, No. 1, 1999, pp. 119-122
- Mamoru Usami, Sei-ichiro Suga, "Critical exponents of S = 1/2 Heisenberg ladders with ferromagnetic interchain interaction in magnetic fields", Physics Letters A 259, 1999, pp. 53-56
- Tetsuji Ogawa and Koichi Ohno, "Classical trajectory calculations of collision energy dependence of total and partial Penning ionization cross sections for He*(23S)+N2→He+N2++e-", Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol. 110, NUMBER 8, 1999, pp. 3773-3780
- Souichirou Tanimori, Koichi Ishida, Osamu Sueoka, Shuji Shimamura, "Monte Carlo Simulation of Breaking of Gold Nanowires", Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Vol.68, No. 11, November, 1999, pp. 3556-3561
- Seiji Miyashita, Taro Yoshino, Akira Ogasahara, "Direct Calculation of Dynamical Susceptibility in Strongly Fluctuating Quantum Spin Systems", Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Vol. 68, No. 2, February, 1999, pp. 655-661
vol. 5 流体・構造・電磁気(2003~2007)
著者: 畝村 毅, 佐藤 啓介, 塩谷 仁, 西村 香純, 浜野 明千宏, 松原 聖, 湊 明彦
- 赤間 誠, 笹倉 実, 古野 一裕, "鉄道用低応力・低騒音軽量車輪の開発", 日本機械学会論文集(A編)73巻730号, 2007-6, pp. 677-685
- Hitoshi Shiotani and Shinichi Goto, "Studies of Fuel Properties and Oxidation Stability of Biodiesel Fuel", SAE International 2007-01-0073
- Hitoshi Shiotani and Shinichi Goto, "Characteristics of Aldehydes and VOCs Emission from Off-road Engines", SAE International 2006-32-0023 / 20066523
- 浜野 明千宏, 三橋 利玄, 善場 正顕, 熊谷 健司, "樹脂発泡を伴う混相流動シミュレーション技術の開発", 計測と制御 第45巻 第1号, 2006-1, pp. 32-36
- Akihiko Minato, Nobuyuki Nakajima, "SIMULATION OF TWO-PHASE FLOW IN PUMPING STATIONS", Ecoulements diphasiques LA HOUILLE BLANCHE/No 1-2006, pp. 59-64
- 湊 明彦, 三澤 雅樹, "拡張二流体モデルによる厚肉多孔板CCFL の数値解析", 日本原子力学会和文論文誌,Vol. 5, No. 2, 2006, pp. 96-102
- Akihiko MINATO, Nobuyuki NAKAJIMA, Takahide NAGAHARA, Kougi KARIYA, "Three-dimensional Two-Phase Flow Simulation of Siphon Self-priming in Pumping Stations", 23rd IAHR Symposium - Yokohama October 2006
- 鈴木 章夫, 三澤 雅樹, 湊 明彦, "最適軌道再構成とポイント相関次元法による二相流時系列の定量化", 日本機械学会論文集(B編) 72巻 715号, 2006-3, 論文 No. 05-0595, pp.590-597
- 佐藤 啓介, 山川 優樹, 堤 成一郎, "平面ひずみ圧縮を受ける乗算分解型超弾性一塑性材料の拡散型分岐条件に関する理論解法と数値解法との比較", 応用力学論文集 Vol. 8, 2005-8, pp. 519-530
- Takahide Nagahara, Yasuhiro Inoue, Toshiyuki Sato, Shinji Sakata, Kazumi Nishimura, Chisachi Kato, "Investigation of the flow field in a multistage pump by using les", Proceedings of FEDSM2005
- Akihiko Minato, Nobuyuki Nakajima and Takahide Nagahara, "SIMULATION OF FREE SURFACE FLOW BY SP-VOF MODEL", Int. Conf. on Jets, Wakes and Separated Flows, ICJWSF-2005 October 5-8, 2005, Toba-shi, Mie, Japan
- Kenichi KATONO, Akihiko MINATO, Taichi Takii, "THREE-DIMENSIONAL COMPRESSIBLE TWO-FLUID MODEL AND ITS APPLICATION", 13th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering Beijing, China, May 16-20, 2005 ICONE13-50685
- Keisuke Satoh, Yuki Yamakawa, Yasuyuki Miyaki, Kunio Torii, "Formulation and Numerical Post-bifurcation Analysis of Frictional Dilatant Materials at Finite Strains", Proceedings of the 2004 International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering & Science 26-29 July, 2004, Madeira, Portugal, pp.824-829
- T. Unemura, S. Hamaguchi, and M. Wakatani, "Nonlinear behavior of resistive pressuer driven modes in stellarator/heliotron plasmas with vacuum magnetic islands", PHYSICS OF PLASMAS VOLUME 11, NUMBER 4, APRIL 2004, pp. 1545-1551
- S. Peter Gary and Kazumi Nishimura, "Kinetic Alfven waves: Linear theory and a particle-in-cell simulation", JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 109, 2004, A02109, doi:10. 1029/2003JA010239
- Edison Liang, Kazumi Nishimura, "Bifurcation and Lorentz-Factor Scaling of Relativistic Magnetized Plasma Expansion", PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS VOLUME 92, NUMBER 17, APRIL 2004, pp. 175005_1-4
- Kazumi Nishimura, Edison Liang, "Parameter study of the diamagnetic relativistic pulse accelerator in slab geometry. I. Dependence on initial frequency ratio and slab width", PHYSICS OF PLASMAS VOLUME 11, NUMBER 10, OCTOBER 2004, pp. 4753-4760
- Akihiko Minato, Takuji Nagayoshi, Masaki Misawa, Akio Suzuki Hisashi Ninokata, Seiichi Koshizuka, "Numerical Simulation Method of Complex 3D Gas-Liquid Two-Phase Flow", 5th International Conference on Multiphase Flow, ICMF’04 Yokohama, Japan, May 30-June 4, 2004 Paper No. 170
- Akihiko Minato, Takuji Nagayoshi, Masaki Misawa, Akio Suzuki, "SIMULATION AND NONLINEAR DYNAMICS OF COMPLEX GAS-LIQUID TWO-PHASE FLOW", Japan-US Seminar on Two-Phase Flow Dynamics December 6-11, 2004, Nagahama, Japan
- Akihiko Minato, Takuji Nagayoshi, Akira Nakamura, Yuzo Fujii, Izuo Aya, Kenji Yamane, "NUMERICAL ANALYSIS OF WATER HAMMER INDUCED BY INJECTION OF SUBCOOLED WATER INTO STEAM FLOW IN A HORIZONTAL PIPE", The 6th International Conference on Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics, Operations and Safety (NUTHOS-6) Nara, Japan, October 4-8, 2004. Paper ID. N6P004
- 畝村 毅, 張 会来, 谷口 伸行, "文部科学省ITプログラム 次世代流体解析ソフトウェア FrontFlow/Redの開発", 第17回数値流体力学シンポジウムA7-4
- Takuji NAGAYOSHI, Akihiko MINATO, Masaki MISAWA, Akio SUZUKI, Masaharu KURODA and Naoki ICHIKAWA, "Simulation of Multi-dimensional Heterogeneous and Intermittent Two-Phase Flow by Using an Extended Two-Fluid Model", Journal of NUCLEAR SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 40, No.10, October 2003, pp. 827-833
vol. 6 流体・構造・電磁気(1999~2003)
著者: 大島 小百合, 佐藤 啓介, 塩谷 仁, 杉中 隆史, 西村 香純, 湊 明彦
- S. Peter Gary and Kazumi Nishimura, "Resonant electron firehose instability: Particle-in-cell simulations", PHYSICS OF PLASMAS VOLUME 10, NUMBER 9, SEPTEMBER 2003, pp. 3571-3576
- H. Li, K. Nishimura, D. C. Barnes, S. P. Gary and S. A. Colgate, "Magnetic dissipation in a force-free plasma with a sheet-pinch cofiguration", PHYSICS OF PLASMAS VOLUME 10, NUMBER 7, JULY 2003, pp. 2763-2771
- Edison Liang, Kazumi Nishimura, Hui Li, and S. Peter Gary, "Particle Energization in an Expanding Magnetized Relativistic Plasma", PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS VOLUME 90, NUMBER 8, FEBRUARY 2003, pp. 085001_1-4
- Kazumi Nishimura, Hiroshi Matsumoto, and Hirotsugu Kojima, "Particle simulations of re-formation at collisionless perpendicular shocks: Coherent behavior of reflected ions", JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 108, NO. A5, 1182, 2003, SSH 3_1-5
- Kazumi Nishimura, S. Peter Gary, Hui Li, and Stirling A. Colgate, "Magnetic reconnection in a force-free plasma: Simulations of micro- and macroinstabilities", PHYSICS OF PLASMAS VOLUME 10, NUMBER 2, FEBRUARY 2003, pp. 347-356
- Kazumi Nishimura, Edison Liang, S. Peter Gary, "Charge separation effects in magnetized elecrton-ion plasma expansion into a vacuum", PHYSICS OF PLASMAS VOLUME 10, NUMBER 11, NOVEMBER 2003, pp. 4559-4562
- 佐藤 啓介, 山川 優樹, 池田 清宏, 鳥居 邦夫, "分岐解析によるひずみ局所化現象における供試体形状と境界条件の影響に関する検討", 応用力学論文集 Vol. 5, 2002-8, pp. 329-338
- Sayuri KANEKO and Tetuya KAWAMURA, "Numerical Study of the Flow around Two Yawed and Parallel Circular Cylinders", THEORETICAL AND APPLIED MECHANICS JAPAN, Volume51, 2002, pp. 199-205
- Kazumi Nishimura, S. Peter Gary, and Hui Li, "Whistler anisotropy instability: Wave-particle scattering rate", Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 107, No.A11, 1375, 2002, SMP 18_1-6
- Kazumi Nishimura, Hiroshi Matsumoto, and Hirotsugu Kojima, "Electron acceleration and heating influenced by whistler wave packets at quasi-parallel shock waves", Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 107, No. A7, 2002, SSH 7_1-11
- 湊 明彦, "圧縮性二流体モデルによる気液二相流の数値解析", 日本機械学会論文集(B編)68巻 673号, 2002-9, 論文No. 01-1224, pp.2489-2495
- Hitoshi Shiotani, Toshimi Takagi, Tatuyuki Okamoto, Shinichi Kinoshita, Hironobu Teraoka and Shunichi Hirao, "LOW NOx AND HIGH STABILITY FLAME CONFIGURATION FOR MICRO GAS TURBINE COMBUSTORS", The Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion June 24-27, 2001, Seoul, Korea
- Kazumi Nishimura, "Electrostatic potential of particulate influenced by secondary electron emission in a streaming plasma", Physics of Plasmas Vol. 8, No. 1, Jan-2001, pp. 343-350
- 中尾 俊次, 村瀬 道雄, 石田 直行, 河村 勉, 湊 明彦, 守屋 公三明, "BWR用セパレータの圧力損失低減(1) (気水分離特性予測手法の検討)", 混相流 15巻 4号, 2001, pp.382-389
- Hitoshi SIOTANI, Shinichi KINOSHITA, Toshimi TAKAGI, "APPLICABILITY OF THE BOUNDARY LAYER APPROXIMATION TO THE FLAME COMPUTATIONS", Proceedings of the 4th JSME-KSME Thermal Engineering Conference October 1-6, 2000, Kobe, Japan
- Kazumi Nishimura, "Wakefield of a charged particulate influenced by emission process of secondary electrons", Physics Letters A, 274, 2000, pp.53-58
- Akihiko Minato, Kazuhide Takamori, Naoyuki Ishida, "AN EXTENDED TWO-FLUID MODEL FOR INTERFACE BEHAVIOR IN GAS-LIQUID TWO-PHASE FLOW", Proceedings of ICONE 8 8th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering April 2-6, 2000, Baltimore, MD USA, ICONE-8045
- 湊 明彦, 石田 直行, 高森 和英, "非スタガード有限体積法による気液二相流の多次元数値解析(第1報, 改良VOF法による界面挙動の三次元解析", 日本機械学会論文集(B編)66巻 647号, 2000-7, 論文No. 99-0755, pp.1675-1682
- A. Minato, K. Takamori, T. Nagayoshi, "CALCULATION METHOD OF COMPRESSIBLE TWO-FLUID MODEL BY USING GODUNOV SCHEME", NTHAS2: Second Japan-Korea Symposium on Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics and Safety Fukuoka, Japan, October 15-18, 2000
- Akihiko Minato, Kazuhide Takamori, Naoyuki Ishida, "AN EXTENDED TWO-FRUID MODEL FOR INTERFACE BEHAVIOR IN GAS-LIQUID TWO-PHASE FLOW", Proceedings of ICONE 8 8th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering April 2-6, 2000, Baltimore, MD USA
- Akihiko Minato, Mitsushi Abe, Koji Nishida, Kumiaki Moriya, Yasuhiro Masuhara, "EXPERIMENTS OF SUBCOOLED BOILING BY HIGH HEAT FLUX IN A SHORT PERIOD", International Workshop on Current Status and Future Directions in Boiling Heat Transfer and Two-Phase Flow, 2000/10/5-6
- 杉中 隆史, 小林 敏雄, "統計理論による低濃度粒子と流体の混相 κ-εモデル", 日本機械学会論文集(B編) 65巻 639号(1999-11) 論文 No. 98-1452, pp.48-55
- 杉中 隆史, 小林 敏雄, "統計理論による低濃度粒子と流体の混相κ-εモデル", 日本機械学会論文集, 65巻, 639号, B編, 1999-11, pp. 3586-3593
- R. Horiuchi, K. Nishimura, T. H. Watanabe, T. Sato, "Kinetic stabilization of tilt disruption in field reversed configurations", Nuclear Fusion, Vol. 39, No. 11Y, 1999, pp. 2083-2087
- Kazumi Nishimura, Ritoku Horiuchi and Tetsuya Sato, "Drift-kink instability induced by beam ions in field-reversed configurations", PHYSICS OF PLASMAS VOLUME 6, NUMBER 9, SEPTEMBER 1999, pp. 3459-3465
- Akihiko Minato, Kazuhide Takamori, Naoyuki Ishida, "Numerical Method for Interaction between Gas-Liquid Two-Phase Flow and Solid Motion", Two-Phase Flow Modelling and Experimentation, 1999 Volume 3, pp.1537-1543
vol. 7 流体・構造・電磁気(1988~1998)
著者: 菊池 愛子, 西村 香純, 湊 明彦
- Akihiko Minato, Kazuhide Takamori, Naoyuki Ishida, "NUMERICAL STUDY ON GAS-LIQUID INTERFACE BEHAVIOR IN NARROW GAP UNDER CRITICAL HEAT FLUX CONDITIONS", NTHAS98: First Korea- Japan Symposium on Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics and Safety Pusan, Korea, October 21-24, 1998
- Akihiko MINATO, Ichiro KOMATSU, Masaharu SAKAGAMI and Masao HIROSE, "Development of a Numerical Analysis Method for Cross-Sectional Void Fraction Distribution in SubChannels of Nuclear Fuel Assemblies", Journal of NUCLEAR SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 35, No. 3, March 1998, pp. 178-184
- Akihiko MINATO and Nobuo TANAKA, "Development of a Two-Dimensional Hydrogen Detonation Analysis Code Devised to Reduce the Numerical Diffusion", Journal of NUCLEAR SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 35, No. 4, April 1998, pp. 278-285
- 大西 巍, 菊池 愛子, "ファジィ論理による非圧縮性非線形超弾性構造解析計算の制御", 日本ファジィ学会誌 Vol.9, №2 pp.271-278
- Kazumi Nishimura, Ritoku Horiuchi and Tetsuya Sato, "Tilt stabilization by cycling ions crossing magnetic separatrix in a field-reversed configuration", Phys. Plasmas. 4 (11), November 1997, pp. 4035-4042
- Akihiko Minato, Ichiro Komatsu, Masaharu Sakagami, Masao Hirose, "A Numerical Method for Three-Dimensional Gas-Liquid Interface Behavior Using Interacting Markers", JSME CENTENNIAL GRAND CONGRES, ISAC 97 High Performance Computing on Multiphase Flows pp.45-48
- Akihiko Minato, Ichiro Komatsu, Noboru Yamazaki, "Numerical Analysis of Three-Dimensional Gas-Liquid Two-Phase Flow in Subchannels of Nuclear Fuel Assemblies", FED-Vol. 236, 1996 Fluids Engineering Division Conference Volume 1 ASME, 1996, pp. 75-80
- Ryo Sugihara and Kazumi Nishimura, "Gaussian Laser Beam in a Magnetized Plasma", Journal of the Physical Society of Japan Vol. 64, No. 11, Nov. 1995, pp. 4156-4162
- 高森 和英, 湊 明彦, 相原 剛, "給水加熱器の改良と三次元二相流解析(凝縮伝熱を伴う気液二相流挙動の数値シミュレーション)", 日本機械学会論文集(B編)61巻 583号, 1995-3, pp.1212-1215
- Akihiko MINATO, Kazuhide TAKAMORI and Akira SUSUKI, "Numerical Study of Two-Dimensional Structure in Critical Steam-Water Two-Phase Flow", Journal of NUCLEAR SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY, 32[5], May 1995, pp. 464-475
- 湊 明彦, 高森 和英, 須々木 晃, "1016. 二流体モデルによる多次元気液二相流の高速解法", 日本原子力学会誌 Vol.37, No.6, pp.535-542(1995)
- 菊池 愛子, 幕田 宏, 重永 憲明, 川上 善道, 大坪 敬, "ゲート用水密ゴムの超弾性応力解析技術の研究", ダム工学 №16, 1994, 1-11
- 高森 和英, 湊 明彦, "給水加熱器内二相流および伝熱特性評価手法の開発", 日本機械学会論文集(B編)59巻 568号, 1993-12, 論文 No. 93-0836, pp.3891-3898
- Akihiko Minato, Shigeto Murata, Isao Sumida, "Calculation Method of the Three-Dimensional Two-Fluid Model for Two-Phase Flow Using Fuzzy Time Step Control", Proceeding of The International Conference on Multiphase Flows '91-Tsukuba September 24-27, 1991. Tsukuba, Japan
- Akihiko Minato, Osamu Sawamura, Masao Wakayama, Ryuzo Masuoka, "STRATIFIED FLOW CONDITIONS IN A HORIZONTAL CIRCULAR TUBE CONTAINING A HEATED ROD BUNDLE", PROCEEDINGS, SAFETY OF THERMAL REACTORS, American Nuclear Society Nuclear Reactor Safety Division, International Topical Meeting July 21-25, 1991, pp. 517-521
- Akihiko Minato and Shigeto Murata, "Two-dimensional analysis of discharge flow of high-pressure saturated water from orifices", Nuclear Engineering and Design 131, 1991, 25-36
- Shigeto MURATA, Akihiko MINATO and Osamu YOKOMIZO, "Development of Three-Dimensional Analysis Code for Two-Phase Flow Using Two-Fluid Model", Journal of NUCLEAR SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY, 28[11], November 1991, pp. 1029-1040
- Shigeto MURATA, Akihiko MINATO and Osamu YOKOMIZO, "Calculation for Three-Dimensional Structures of Two-Phase Flow in Enlarged Flow Area", Journal of NUCLEAR SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY, 26[9], September 1989, pp. 893-896
- Akihiko MINATO and Ryuhei KAWABE, "Numerical Analysis Method for Two-Dimensional Two-Fluid Model Using Control Volume Formulation", Journal of NUCLEAR SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY, 25[12], December 1988, pp.901-913
- 湊 明彦, "880. 遠心ポンプのヘッドとトルク二相流特性の解析", 日本原子力学会誌,Vol. 30, No. 7, 1988, pp. 633-642
- 湊 明彦, 富永 研司, "172. 遠心ポンプのヘッドおよびトルクの二相流定常特性実験", 日本原子力学会誌 Vol.30, No.3, 1988, pp. 247-256
vol. 8 物質・材料(1993~1998)、流体・構造・電磁気(1975~1987)
著者: 伊藤 信, 宇佐見 護, 小池 聡, 谷森 奏一郎, 西村 民男, 湊 明彦
- Makoto Itoh, "Monte Carlo study of Si(111)- dimer-stacking-fault surface reconstruction", PHYSICAL REVIEW B VOLUME 58, NUMBER 7, 15 AUGUST 1998-I, The American Physical Society, pp. 3537-3540
- Makoto Itoh, "Monte Carlo study of Si (111)- homoepitaxy", PHYSICAL REVIEW B VOLUME 57, NUMBER 23, 15 JUNE 1998-I, The American Physical Society, pp. 14623-14626
- M. Itoh, G.R. Bell, A. R. Avery, T. S. Jones, B. A. Joyce, and D. D. Vvedensky, "Island Nucleation and Growth on Reconstructed GaAs(001) Surfaces", VOLUME 81, NUMBER 3 PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 20 JULY 1998, pp. 633-636
- Takashi Yanagisawa, Soh Koike and Kunihiko Yamaji, "Off-Diagonal Wave Function Monte Carlo Studies of Hubbard Model I", Journal of the Physical Society of Japan Vol. 67, No. 11, November, pp. 3867-3874
- Kunihiko Yamaji, Takashi Yanagisawa, Takeshi Nakanishi, Soh Koike, "Variational Monte Carlo study on the superconductivity in the two-dimensional Hubbard model", Physica C 304, 1998, pp. 225-238
- Soh Koike, Kunihiko Yamaji, Takashi Yanagisawa, "Exact-diagonalization study on the effect of the long-range Coulomb interaction to the superconducting ground state in the two-chain Hubbard model", Physica C 308, 1998, pp. 301-311
- Tamio Nishimura, "Theoretical study of electron scattering from CH2F2 molecules", J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 31, 1998, pp. 3471-3478, Printed in the UK
- Mamoru Usami, Sei-ichiro Suga, "Critical properties of frustrated S = 1/2 spin chain with bond alternation in magnetic fields", Physics Letters A 240, 1998, pp. 85-90
- Mamoru Usami and Sei-ichiro Suga, "Critical properties of S=1/2 Heisenberg ladders in magnetic fields", PHYSICAL REVIEW B VOLUME 58, NUMBER 21, 1998, PRB 58 14 401_406
- Souichirou Tanimori and Shuji Shimamura, "Electronic Structure Study of Cleavage and Slip in Pd and Ag", Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Vol. 67, No. 1, January, 1998, pp. 192-197
- Makoto Itoh, "Island-size dependence of reconstructed structures on Si(111-)", PHYSICAL REVIEW B VOLUME 56, NUMBER 7, 15 AUGUST 1997-I, The American Physical Society, pp. 3583-3586
- Soh Koike, Kunihiko Yamaji, and Takashi Yanagisawa, "Variational Monte Carlo Study of the Two-Chain Hubbard Model", Physica C 282-287, 1997, pp. 1765-1766
- H. Tanaka and T. Masai, M. Kimura, T. Nishimura, and Y. Itikawa, "Fluorination effects in electron scatterings from CH4, CH3F1, CH2F2, CH1F3, and CF4", PHYSICAL REVIEW A VOLUME 56, NUMBER 5, 1997, 56_1-4
- Tamio Nishimura and Yukikazu Itikawa, "Vibrationally elastic and inelastic scattering of electrons by hydrogen sulphide molecules", J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 29, 1996, pp. 4213-4226, Printed in the UK
- Soh Koike, Kunihiko Yamaji, "Superconductivity in the Two-Chain Hubbard Model Including the Interchain Coulomb Interaction", Journal of the Physical Society of Japan Vol. 65, No. 1, January, pp. 327-328
- Tamio Nishimura and Yukikazu Itikawa, "Electron-impact vibrational excitation of water molecules", J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 28, 1995, pp. 1995-2005, Printed in the UK
- Tamio Nishimura and Yukikazu Itikawa, "Elastic scattering of electrons by methane molecules", J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 27, 1994, pp. 2309-2316, Printed in the UK
- H.Sato, S. Tanimori, A. Ishida and M. Itoh, "Theoretical study of dynamical properties of binary metallic glasses in the harmonic approximation", Materials Science and Engineering, A181/A182, 1994, pp. 1043-1046
- M. Itoh, A. Ishida, S. Tanimori, H. Sato, "d-electron contributions to the positive Hall coefficient of disordered metals", Materials Science and Engineering, A181/A182, 1994, pp. 911-915
- M. Itoh, H. Tanaka, Y. Watanabe, M. Udagawa, and I. Sumita, "Classification and structure analyses of domain boundaries on Si(111)", PHYSICAL REVIEW B VOLUME 47, NUMBER 4, 15 JANUARY 1993-II, The American Physical Society, pp. 2216-2231
- 湊 明彦, 内藤 正則, "844. コントロールボリューム法による1次元非平衡二相流の解析", 日本原子力学会誌 Vol. 29, No. 4, 1987, pp.319-327
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vol. 9 情報技術、バイオ・化学(1975~2008)
著者: 小川 哲司, 國島 和, 小林 将人, 佐藤 幸男, 松原 聖, 山口 憲
- 佐藤 幸男, 松原 聖, 渡辺 重哉, "1C13 JAXAデジタル/アナログ・ハイブリッド風洞システムに関する予備技術検討", 第40回流体力学講演会/航空宇宙数値シミュレーション 技術シンポジウム, 2008年6月12日
- 中野 達也, 望月 祐志, 甘利 真司, 小林 将人, 福澤 薫, 田中 成典, "フラグメント分子軌道法に基づいた生体巨大分子の電子状態計算の現状と今後の展望", J. Comput. Chem. Jpn., Vol. 6, No. 3, 2007, pp. 173-184
- 越塚 誠一, 松原 聖, 福澤 薫, "計算科学手法と原子力分野における応用 第6回 離散系のシミュレーション手法(その2)", 日本原子力学会誌 Vol.48, No.9, pp.684-689(2006)
- Wataru Kunishima, Akinobu Nishiyama, Hiroshi Tanaka and Tetsuji Tokihiro, "Differential Equations for creating Complex Cellular Automaton Patterns", Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Vol. 73, No. 8, August, 2004, pp. 2033-2036
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- K. Yamaguchi, "A mobility model for carriers in the MOS inversion layer", IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. ED-30, no. 6, June 1983, pp. 658-663
- K. Yamaguchi, "A time-dependent and two-dimensional numerical model for MOSFET device operation", Solid-State Electronics, vol. 26, no. 9, 1983, pp. 907-916
- 山口 憲, 浅井 彰二郎, 小沢 時典, 横溝 剛一, "プロセス、デバイス、回路・統合シミュレ-ション実験 (Experimentation with Integrated Process, Device and Circuit Simulators)", 電子通信学会論文誌(C), vol. J66-C, no. 12, 1983, 12, pp. 1124-1131
- K. Yamaguchi and S. Takahashi, "Submicron Gate MOSFET's with Channel-Doped Separate Gate Structures (SG-MOSFET's)", IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. ED-28, no. 7, July 1981, pp. 888 - 890
- S. Ochi, T. Okabe,I. Yoshida, K. Yamaguchi and M. Nagata, "Computer Analysis of Breakdown Mechanism in Planar Power MOSFET's", IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. ED-27, no. 2, February 1980, pp. 399-400
- K. Yamaguchi, "Field-Dependent Mobility Model for Two-Dimensional Numerical Analysis of MOSFET's", IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. ED-26, no. 7, July 1979, pp. 1068-1074
- K. Yamaguchi and H. Kodera, "Optimum Design of Triode-like J-FET's by Two-Dimensional Computer Simulation", IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. ED-24, no. 8, August 1977, pp. 1061-1069
- K. Yamaguchi and H. Kodera, "Drain Conductance of Junction Gate FET's" in the Hot Electron Range", IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. ED-23, no. 6, June 1976, pp. 545-553
- K. Yamaguchi, S. Asai and H. Kodera, "Two-dimensional Numerical Analysis of Stability Criteria of GaAs FET's", IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. ED-23, no. 12, Dec. 1976, pp. 1283-1290
- K. Yamaguchi, T. Toyabe and H. Kodera, "Two-dimensional Analysis of Triode-Like Operation of Junction Gate FET's", IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. ED-22, no. 11, 1975, pp. 1047-1049